Elite Dental of Staten Island

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9.00am to 5.00pm
12:00pm to 8:00pm
9.00am to 5.00pm
9.00am to 5.00pm

Good oral health affects overall wellness

Research shows that poor oral health can affect the rest of the body, so for the sake of your overall well-being, it’s essential that you stick to a healthy regime and go for dental check-ups regularly.

Here’s what you need to know about taking care of your teeth and gums…

What is gum disease?

Gum disease occurs when the gums become infected as a result of bacteria that has accumulated on the teeth and gums. In the early stages, the gums become inflamed in a condition known as gingivitis. Signs of gingivitis include bleeding when you brush or floss, as well as some discoloration on your teeth, which is caused by plaque build-up.

If left untreated, gingivitis can progress to a more advanced type of gum disease, known as periodontitis. Periodontitis can cause severe damage to the bones and teeth and causes gums to recede. Other symptoms include bleeding gums, bad breath, tender and inflamed gums, tooth loss, and pain when chewing.

In most cases, periodontitis is caused by poor dental habits. When areas of the mouth are not cleaned properly, bacteria is able to multiply, causing dental plaque to develop. When plaque builds up on the teeth, tartar develops, leading to inflammation in the gums and harmful bacteria that can damage the teeth, gums, and bone.

What’s the link between oral health and overall wellness?

The build-up of plaque around the gum line can lead to infection and inflammation in the mouth. This allows bacteria to enter the bloodstream and permeate other areas of the body. This bacteria can then lead to inflammation in other parts of the body, such as the arteries.

Studies have shown that oral bacteria and inflammation associated with gum disease may contribute to the development of some serious diseases. This includes endocarditis, an infection that affects the inner lining of the heart — the condition can occur when bacteria from the mouth or other parts of the body spread through the bloodstream and attach to damaged parts of the heart.

People with diabetes are at an increased risk of developing gum disease. Infections in the body can cause insulin resistance, which can disrupt the control of blood sugar levels and make diabetes difficult to keep under control.

Heart disease and stroke have also been linked to the inflammation and infections caused by oral bacteria, while gum disease can affect the development of an unborn baby and has also been linked to premature birth, and low birth weight.

How can I optimize oral health?

It’s important to keep harmful bacteria under control, and one of the most effective ways to do so is to stick to a healthy oral hygiene routine. Make sure that you brush your teeth twice a day, for at least two minutes every time, and floss at least once a day to make sure that you get rid of food debris between the teeth. An anti-bacterial mouth wash is also helpful in destroying bacteria and preventing plaque from forming.

Keep your teeth healthy by eating a balanced diet — try and avoid sugary foods and drinks, and incorporate some calcium-rich foods like milk, kale, yogurt, sardines with bones, cheese, and broccoli.

One of the best ways to take care of your oral health is to visit your dentist for a check-up and professional clean regularly. Dental check-ups allow Dr. Acker to pick up on any problems early and provide treatment as soon as possible, before an issue becomes more serious.

If you would like more information on preventative dental care, or would like to book an appointment, please don’t hesitate to contact the friendly team at Elite Dental of Staten Island today.